Product Overview
Superior Dimensional Stability
Conductive option
- These products provide superior dimensional stability, because the sleeve construction includes an additional glassfibre barrier layer to prevent any growth.
- Available with rotec® Ω Technology that provides complete conductivity from the base sleeve through to the surface.
- Superior dimensional stability, even at fluctuating temperatures or humidity
- Perfect for high printing speeds and HD graphics
- Long-lasting with dependable register accuracy
Field of Application
Narrow-web / Mid-web / Wide-web / Pre-Print
Wall thickness
0.50 inches - 5.00 inches (10 mm - 125 mm)
Outer diameter tolerance
+/- 0.001 inches (+/- 0.025 mm)
Total indicated run-out (TIR) tolerance
+/- 0.001 inches (+/- 0.025 mm)
Length tolerance
2 mm